The Serengeti National Park is located in the northwestern Tanzania, occupying 14,763 sq km and is to be found 335km from Arusha, Serengeti is also found in north Kenya and borders the Lake Victoria in the west. Our Adventure kaskazini prefer taking clients to the Serengeti national park since it the best place not to be missed by any tourist who wants to enjoy the Tanzania’s wildlife. The Park can be divided into 3 sections. The popular southern/central part (Seronera Valley), which is what the Maasai called the “serengit”, the land of endless plains. Its classic savannah dotted with acacias and filled with wildlife. The western corridor is marked by the Grumeti River, and has more forests and dense bush. The north, Lobo area, meets up with Kenya’s Maasai Mara Reserve, is the least visited section. Its Tanzania’s oldest and most popular national park, the Serengeti is famed for its annual migration. The Serengeti national park is famed for the world’s largest wild animal migration the migration is a cross country migration as they move between Tanzania and Kenya the migration is based on season of the year and the specific place these animals move around in search for food and pasture. It will be very amazing to watch these animals risking their life’s to the largest crocodiles in Africa to find food also find a good place for calving which happens to be the southern Serengeti national park. The Serengeti National Park is not only known for the annual migration of wildebeest and zebra, there are vast facts of plains game screening . The scenery is simple eye-catching with eternal plains, covered with sunshade acacia. These plains are idyllic for witnessing predators hunting, mainly when prey is rich as the migration passes through.

The Central Serengeti also known as the Seronera valley is considered as the “Big Cat Capital of Africa” – the Valley is well known for quite a number of resident lion, leopard and cheetah existing here. On this area one can regularly spot lion hunting and leopards relaxing on the branches of the sausage trees. Visitors will also have the chance to spectator lions, leopards and cheetah in plenty just waiting for the just right minute to hunt. During your stay in Serengeti national park our team arranges the best affordable Accommodation for you to enjoy the best view of the natural sunrise and sunsets. In Serengeti our clients are likely to see the realty about the lion king movie they will see the pride of like and also find out the a reason why the lions are considered the kings and queens of the jungle while they are not the strongest or the larges or the fastest animals in the jungle welcome to Serengeti national park , welcome to Tanzania , welcome to Adventure Kaskazini